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8662046712 / 866-204-6712 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 866/204/6712 - 866.204.6712 - 8662046712 - 866 204 6712
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8662046712 User Reports

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17th Feb, 2011 by Sylvia
Reported Number: 866-204-6712
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
These people at 866-204-6712 keep leaving harassing phone calls on my voice machine for an unknown individual. And even though I've called them multiple times asking to please remove my phone number from their calling list (since I am not the person they're looking for), they still call. From what I hear, this type of behavior is illegal. I called them again twice today. They are rude and defensive, but assured me that my phone number will be removed from their call list. We'll see. I too am now documenting their calls and am considering legal action.

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