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8662338422 / 866-233-8422 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
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According to 4 people
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 866/233/8422 - 866.233.8422 - 8662338422 - 866 233 8422
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8662338422 User Reports

0 Votes
12th Aug, 2011 by Nita
Reported Number: 866-233-8422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Spotted a $30 charge on my bank account. Called the company because I did sign up for Payment Protection or a payday loan. They have been giving me the run around since June 15. I told the guy who they seem to always transfer me to that I will be a thorn in his side until my money is refeunded.
0 Votes
22nd Jul, 2011 by melanie
Reported Number: 8662338422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Spotted a charge on my bank account.Called, they said they would take care of.... now they block my calls.
0 Votes
22nd Jul, 2011 by melanie
Reported Number: 866-233-8422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Spotted a charge on my bank account.Called, they said they would take care of.... now they block my calls.
- 2 Votes
22nd Jul, 2011 by melanie
Reported Number: 8662338422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Spotted a charge on my bank account.Called, they said they would take care of.... now they block my calls.
0 Votes
7th Jul, 2011 by ron
Reported Number: 866-233-8422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: mary
they took $30.00 out of my bank acct. causing an over draft that cost me an additional $20. i called the number they said i applied for a quick loan (but i didnt) i cant get my $ back but due to my call they did cancel my name (gee thanks) I wish there was a way to sue places like this.. if anyone knows away to sue contact me at [email protected]
0 Votes
7th Jul, 2011 by ron
Reported Number: 8662338422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: mary
they took $30.00 out of my bank acct. causing an over draft that cost me an additional $20. i called the number they said i applied for a quick loan (but i didnt) i cant get my $ back but due to my call they did cancel my name (gee thanks) I wish there was a way to sue places like this.. if anyone knows away to sue contact me at [email protected]
0 Votes
7th Jul, 2011 by Allison
Reported Number: 866-233-8422
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
This company told me that I had applied for a loan in the past and with that application they had offered me a pre paid visa which I NEVER signed up for... They took $30 out of my bank account.. I called and complained and demanded a refund.. they said they would provide within 10 to 20 business days... What a freaking SCAM!! Be careful when applying for payday loans people!!!
0 Votes
7th Jul, 2011 by Allison
Reported Number: 8662338422
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
This company told me that I had applied for a loan in the past and with that application they had offered me a pre paid visa which I NEVER signed up for... They took $30 out of my bank account.. I called and complained and demanded a refund.. they said they would provide within 10 to 20 business days... What a freaking SCAM!! Be careful when applying for payday loans people!!!
0 Votes
21st Jun, 2011 by leanaway
Reported Number: 866-233-8422
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Got a 30.00 dollar charge debited out of my checking account. I don't know who this is and why it was debited. I am calling the number to find out who and why they did this.

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