Caller Information 

8663129553 / 866-312-9553 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Christopher / Vandale Communications
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 866/312/9553 - 866.312.9553 - 8663129553 - 866 312 9553
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8663129553 User Reports

0 Votes
10th May, 2011 by Chirs
Reported Number: 866-312-9553
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Please visit hopefully this will give you better insight to why you received a call. Beware that a lawsuit is being filed on behalf of Vandell Communications against each site that has allowed the word scam to be presented in the comments on such website.
+ 1 Votes
27th Jan, 2011 by AS
Reported Number: 8663129553
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Christopher / Vandale Communications
Hi, this is Christopher calling from Vandale Communications. I have made numerous attempts to reach you regarding an entry form that was filled out in your name within the last 12 to 18 months to receive a new car. This will be my final attempt to notify that your name was pulled and you’re going to receive one of our top four major prizes. It would be in your best interest to give me a call back as soon as possible. The number is toll free at 1-866-312-9553 ext 109. We’re not a telemarketing agency or a timeshare and this is not a cold call so please do not ignore this message. I’m very aware of the do not call list so I wouldn’t be calling unless you actually entered. This is a time sensitive matter I do look forward to hearing from you. Once again congratulations my name is Christopher.

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