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8663994680 / 866-399-4680 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 866/399/4680 - 866.399.4680 - 8663994680 - 866 399 4680
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8663994680 User Reports

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1st Feb, 2010 by Sue Mabry
Reported Number: 866-399-4680
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
These people are just professional scam artist trying to get personal information to ruin your credit by applying for credit cards & bank loans in your name. It would be a good idea not to have any type of communication with these international scam artist who pretend to be someone other than who they are. Be very careful, they are good at getting you to release your personal information by tricking you and some times making you mad so will go along with their plan hoping to stop any further unwanted criminal activity concerning your credit history, bank information, etc. Please don't even verify your phone number with them. They go by numerous business names. Just don't talk to these people. If you do talk to them for any reason, probably because they stated they have information detailing someone else is using your private information, the only thing you should say to them is, I do not know what you are talking about. Then tell them to never call back - stating this is your last and only warning.

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