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8664413070 / 866-441-3070 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 866/441/3070 - 866.441.3070 - 8664413070 - 866 441 3070
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8664413070 User Reports

0 Votes
24th Feb, 2010 by
Reported Number: 866-441-3070
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
High volume outbound callers such as surveyors, debt collectors, politicians, telemarketers, etc. all try to maximize their resources. Given the general unpredictability of answers, callers resort to using multiple lines per agent employing dialing strategies known as predictive dialing and power dialing. Predictive dialing utilizes a pacing algorithm that factors agent availability, average call times, and answer rates in an attempt to maximize agent talk time with the lowest possible abandonment rate. Despite clever pacing, agents are inevitably unavailable for all answers and abandonment occurs. Power dialing maximizes agent talk time by continuously dialing all available lines. This results in astronomical abandonment rates.
0 Votes
13th Jan, 2010 by Mike
Reported Number: 8664413070
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Call went to a recording. I hung up without listening.

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