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8664966804 / 866-496-6804 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 866/496/6804 - 866.496.6804 - 8664966804 - 866 496 6804
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8664966804 User Reports

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9th Nov, 2009 by Holly B
Reported Number: 866-496-6804
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Michael
Michael says he represents a online yellow pages and do I want to renew. Since I have never asked or agreed to such a service I say no. He says that to get my business off of their records and to not be listed in next years book I need to go through a recorded verification process. I am very careful to never use the word yes or any other affirmative. Then he proceeds, in this verification process to tell me that I owe $499 and they will invoice me and my name will be removed. I tell him that I have never agreed to a free trial, to be in his book, that there is no contract and that I do not owe him anything. I'm contacting the state attorney general, as did my husband when they tried this scam with his company.

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