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8666209135 / 866-620-9135 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 866/620/9135 - 866.620.9135 - 8666209135 - 866 620 9135
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8666209135 User Reports

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4th Jan, 2011 by Johnny
Reported Number: 866-620-9135
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They're a 3rd-party organization that handles promotions for Verizon Wireless. They offer free phone upgrades and other plan package options that may not be available directly through Verizon. It's not *really* Verizon Wireless (which makes sense as to why the recorded message says "Thank you for _your interest in_ Verizon Wireless" as opposed to "Thank you for _calling_ Verizon Wireless"), but rather they work with them in some capacity.

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