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8666470885 / 866-647-0885 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 866/647/0885 - 866.647.0885 - 8666470885 - 866 647 0885
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8666470885 User Reports

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2nd Feb, 2009 by fdcpa017
Reported Number: 866-647-0885
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: AFNI
This collector revives closed cell phone accounts dating back to the 1990's. Many of their targets have never opened a cell accounts with cellular carriers AFNI alleges amounts due. E.g., I have hard evidence from two credible consumers pursued by AFNI for T-Mobile and Verizon! AFNI had no proof, picture IDs or accurate information to verify junk debts padding their portfolio. AFNI calls from 12 other numbers: 866-857-7209 888-276-1908 866-307-0278 800-598-9331 800-598-9349 888-309-2416 888-459-2098 877-298-2251 866-857-7193 877-497-9053 877-497-9050 877-403-0670. CLASS-ACTION MATERIAL>>MAIKE A DIFFERENCE!

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