Caller Information 

8772995526 / 877-299-5526 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Autumn Daniels
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 877/299/5526 - 877.299.5526 - 8772995526 - 877 299 5526
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8772995526 User Reports

0 Votes
15th Apr, 2011 by Melissa
Reported Number: 877-299-5526
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Autumn Daniels
This Autumn person called my phone and said she needed to come see me Monday to sign an afidavit and to give me some legal papers. She said they are sealed and she doesn't know what it's regarding but told me to call this number to discuss with them. I call this number and they tell me its regarding a legal case that I am involved in but will not give me any details or information and will not tell me the name of their company or any other information. I also asked Autumn the name of the company she works for and she says she is a private legal courier and will not provide any additional information. this seems very suspicious and I have no clue what it's regarding but they want me to give them personal information, such as my address, place of employment, last 4 of my social, etc.

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