Caller Information 

8773730472 / 877-373-0472 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 3 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 877/373/0472 - 877.373.0472 - 8773730472 - 877 373 0472
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8773730472 User Reports

0 Votes
12th Nov, 2010 by Tracy
Reported Number: 877-373-0472
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: S & S
I received threating phone calls from this number. That stated that I owed money and that if I did not pay they were serving me with court papers. They also called all my family members saying I wrote a check fradulantely. I work for a company and we are close with a collection agency and the contact and my collection agency stated that EVERYTHING they say and do is AGAINST THE LAW. If they call you state that you know your rights and they are breaking (2) laws: 1 - The Fair Debt Collection Practices ACt and the Consumer Credit Protetction Act! And like I did notify the State of New York Attorney General!!!!
0 Votes
5th Nov, 2010 by james
Reported Number: 8773730472
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Danny Fisher
Threats of coming to my job and my home. Minicing voice same as others. I am a Federal Employee so when he called my Manager he messed up now the Feds are involved. threats at a federal work place or against an employee was a bad idea for DANNY FISHER
0 Votes
3rd Nov, 2010 by Helen
Reported Number: 877-373-0472
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Someone from this number and left a message that he had been trying to get hold of me and said that he had a court summons that he will deliver to my home if I don't reply by calling the above number. He stated that I had written a fraudlent check! I am like Cheryl above I don't even know who this person is and nor do I know what company says that I have written a dishonored check!!! He gave me a number to refer too. He told me good luck. Didn't identify what company he was representing or any client information. Is this a scam. I am contacting my attorney to see what he can find out. I am tired of these calls. Scares ya half to death.
0 Votes
3rd Nov, 2010 by Trinetta
Reported Number: 8773730472
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
called my job, cell phone, mother in law and parents, left a message said her name was Brandi Bailey and that her client filed a complaint in her office and she has a court summons that she will deliver to my job or my home if I don't reply ASAP!! I don't even know who this person is nor do I not what company says that I wrote a fraudulent check!!! before I agree or willing to hear them out they need to give me more information on her client!! .... if any one knows who this is please reply ... THANKS!!
- 1 Votes
28th Oct, 2010 by cheryl
Reported Number: 877-373-0472
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
called my job, cell phone, and brother, left a message said her name was tina wilson and that her client filed a complaint in her office and she has a court summons that she will deliver to my job or my home if I don't reply ASAP!! I don't even know who this person is nor do I not what company says that I wrote a dishonored check!!! before I agree or willing to hear them out they need to give me more information on her client!! .... if any one knows who this is please reply ... THANKS!!

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