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8776008153 / 877-600-8153 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 877/600/8153 - 877.600.8153 - 8776008153 - 877 600 8153
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8776008153 User Reports

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15th Aug, 2013 by Robert Cox
Reported Number: 877-600-8153
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Greg
EDP Careers, aka Emcee Driver Personnel. Had an interview with them today and cannot wait to start work. I've been a truck driver for many years and now I have found my dedicated lane I've always wanted. I hope to attend orientation on Monday. Just waiting to be cleared. I'm guessing I have the job because they sent me an employment contract. Not only did they tell me things on the phone, but they also put it in writing. I've never had a trucking job where they actually put the job in writing. I'm super stoked!! It's a contract! So they have to do what they guaranteed and told me about. They put in in writing! Super stoked and had to share with someone out there! I highly recommend them. Spoke to a recruiter named Greg for 2 months and finally my dream lane from Dallas to OKC opened up. This is probably a place I'm going to retire! Thanks EDP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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