Caller Information 

8777603755 / 877-760-3755 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Ross Klien Capital Management
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 3 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 877/760/3755 - 877.760.3755 - 8777603755 - 877 760 3755
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8777603755 User Reports

0 Votes
15th Feb, 2011 by Shawne
Reported Number: 877-760-3755
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
Said it was a legal matter
0 Votes
2nd Feb, 2011 by Lucy
Reported Number: 8777603755
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Ross Klien Capital Management
They tell you they are from Ross Klein, a law firm, but really they are a debt collecting company called Ross Klien Capital Management. You can look them up on the web.
0 Votes
27th Jan, 2011 by Kristin
Reported Number: 877-760-3755
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
They say they are from a law firm and threaten to take you to court for a past debt and imprisonment.

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