Caller Information 

8778047115 / 877-804-7115 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 877/804/7115 - 877.804.7115 - 8778047115 - 877 804 7115
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8778047115 User Reports

0 Votes
29th Mar, 2011 by Me
Reported Number: 877-804-7115
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Kelly
Kelly has been calling family members breaking privacy laws. She is not allowed to disclose any information about accounts. The ONLY person she can release information to is the debtor themselves. Each time she leaves a docket number, she is in violation of privacy laws. Each time she discloses that there is "legal" action pending on the account, this is also a violation. Last time I checked, the only thing she is allowed to say to any individual except the account holder, or leave on a voicemail is "This is an attempt to collect a debt....please have so in so call me at..."
0 Votes
23rd Mar, 2011 by Lillian
Reported Number: 8778047115
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
i am not sure who these people are but they left a voice message saying a fraud happend in some guys name that i never heard of and they left a docket number and a ext of 106,
0 Votes
5th Mar, 2011 by Tink
Reported Number: 877-804-7115
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: James
They are rude and liars beware debt collection agency, claiming to be a lawyer.

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