Caller Information 

8778077608 / 877-807-7608 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
"Kevin Strum"
According to 1 people
According to 3 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 877/807/7608 - 877.807.7608 - 8778077608 - 877 807 7608
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8778077608 User Reports

0 Votes
12th Jan, 2011 by aj
Reported Number: 877-807-7608
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: "Kevin Strum"
My dad received a fax from the company that he works in with a vacation package that entails an unlimited food and drink 6 days 5 nights stay at any 5 star resort in Hawaii, Dominican Republic, etc... I called the phone number that was listed and a man claiming to be travel agent answered the phone call. He asked for my name and phone number just incase the call was disconnected. He told me to write down his name and he called himself "Kevin Strum." I told him that i was only inquiring about the package and might be interested in purchasing it at the end of the phone call if i like what the package offered. He told me many enticing details almost too good to be true. At the end of the conversation he was going to transfer me to their "credit card" department and told him i was not sure about deal and i had to make a few phone calls. He kept pushing me to purchase the package and sort of blackmailed me and threatend me telling me " we have id and were gonna trace this call because you stole this information from us. you just wasted my time" I told him from the start that i was just inquiring about the package. He was nice when i told him i was interested in purchasing the package, then when i told him i will call back becuase i had to think about it, the man was very disrespectful and unprofessional. He had a bad tone and most definitely a bad attitude. i was polite to him for the entire phone call and then i just had enough. THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY A SCAM. 5 star resorts are greedy and no one in their right minds would believe that for $199 dollars a person, you get unlmited food, alcoholic beverages, entetainment, and a week long hotel stay.
0 Votes
16th Dec, 2010 by Randy Ho
Reported Number: 8778077608
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
I called them just out of curiousity, and strangely they only had 2 packages left - just like they have told everyone else. S C A M . . .
0 Votes
13th Dec, 2010 by Anthony
Reported Number: 877-807-7608
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
Called to inquire about package. Person was very rude and was gave abrupt answers. Was very insistant to book vacation. Hung up on me twice when i said i wasn't going to book something today.... scam.
+ 1 Votes
9th Dec, 2010 by Skip
Reported Number: 8778077608
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
These people in Florida have been running travel scams for years. The fax that I recieved today did not disclose the phone number or ID of the faxer. The fax was addressed to "All Employees" from "H.R. Department" giving the impression that it was sent by the Human Resources Department of the company that I work for. They also had a Delta Airlines logo at the top of the page to mislead people that this offer was connected with that company. When I called they said that they only had two packages left and that they wanted my credit card information to hold the offer. When asked if they were Delta or my home office, the representative said that their company was "Corporate Travel Partners" and that they were working in partnership with Delta. When I called again and spoke to another person, she said that the name of their company was "Cancun Travel". As soon as it appeared to them that I was on onto their scam, they abruptly hung up on me. I imagine that this was part of their training. I have asked may times over the years for these people to take me off their fax list. I have also called the unsubscribe number at the bottom of the fax. I still get this garbage. The really sad thing is that I sent this same information to the FTC 18 months ago and never received a reply. I would think that our government would do something to protect us from these predators.
0 Votes
8th Dec, 2010 by colombianita
Reported Number: 877-807-7608
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Very unprofessional. Didn't even answer the phone with the name of the company. When I asked questions about the package, they were rude, and hung uu on me
+ 1 Votes
2nd Dec, 2010 by Brent
Reported Number: 8778077608
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Very unprofessional! Did not answer as a business. Said that there was only two available to book. When I was hesitant. The phone went dead and they were gone. Has to be a scam!!@! Brent

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