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8778251528 / 877-825-1528 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 877/825/1528 - 877.825.1528 - 8778251528 - 877 825 1528
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8778251528 User Reports

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13th May, 2010 by Erik
Reported Number: 877-825-1528
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: julia
I received call from an unknown number, wich for some stupid reason I had ignored that fact. The caller asked me why I hadn't completed my order online for acai optima, "wich a reportor had expressed how well it worked" I told her "Julia" that I didnt have my credit card with me at the time is the reason why. She convinced me to finish my purchase over the phone with her and so like the gullible human that I am I completed the purchase and at the end of the purchase she said that we had to finalize the digital agreement and to do so she stated that I had to answer only "yes or no" to her questions, so I did and then she gave me the phone number to cancel any future charges for this product wich was 877-825-1528, well me being the country boy I am didnt know much about this until I got back offshore and conversed it over with a couple fellow workers and they said that I need to be watching my account very closely cause it might end up empty real kwik like, so I looked up the number and here I am two days after ordering this product and now worried if I had just given away my Identity... God help me! I hope that this isnt a money stealing scam. Anyone with any suggestions please help.

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