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8778661310 / 877-866-1310 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 877/866/1310 - 877.866.1310 - 8778661310 - 877 866 1310
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8778661310 User Reports

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31st Jan, 2011 by Nicole
Reported Number: 877-866-1310
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
This company called my phone as well as my mother Bobby Fritzgerald stating that a warrant has been issue for my arrest for check fraud, and that he was a process server and to resolve this issue I should call 877.866.1310; When I call it was about a debt I owe, I did not dispute that, but to call my mother and state this was not business like. I was told by a female employee there that they do not have any control of the proocess server but when I call back and ask for an address she would not give it to me she stated she could not because they have process server their and they cannot give out the address so people cannot get at the process server. I just need an address so i can file a complaint with the BBB in their state

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