Caller Information 

8887521362 / 888-752-1362 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Valued Services
According to 1 people
Dept Collector
According to 2 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 888/752/1362 - 888.752.1362 - 8887521362 - 888 752 1362
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8887521362 User Reports

0 Votes
13th Feb, 2011 by Amy
Reported Number: 888-752-1362
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
This number has been calling my daughter for more than 4 months, EVERY night around 7:55. A voicemail is left to call Valued Servies. When I have called previously, I have never been able to speak to a person. Instead I get a "full" voicemail, so I haven't even been able to lwave a message. My daughter just turned 18, and has never had a credit card, or store account. She has never even had a job and is a high school student. This is utterly ridiculous! I registered her number on the do not call list when we got her number last June. So I did file a complaint tonight. I am furious that a company would use these types of business practices. There are federal laws that are supposed to protect innocent people. Where are they when someone really needs them????
0 Votes
26th Apr, 2010 by GLM
Reported Number: 8887521362
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
"this is an inportant message from valued services" if it is so important why won't they call in person, and when the automated call i recieve is around 8:00 pm so when i return the call it says their offices are closed i left message, and they still keep @%$$#%& calling how do i make it stop?
0 Votes
20th Apr, 2010 by Brandy Gerike
Reported Number: 888-752-1362
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
My mom and I having been getting a call for about a month or so. They are looking for a Darrell Newton or a Darrell Mittens or someone like that. We have had the phone # from 2008, there is no Darrell who lives in our house. We would like the calls to stop. We called them Saturday, April 17th at 8 am in the morning and my mom was on hold for 15 mintues. My mom called today on April 20 at 3:45 pm until 4pm and all I got was a person who said you reached Clog Services. I don't know what phone number that Darrell give the dept collector but he is giving them the wrong number. From, Ruth Bach and Brandy Gerike
0 Votes
6th Apr, 2010 by MR
Reported Number: 8887521362
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Valued Services
Called old work number from over 10 years ago. Left an old co-worker message to call "Nettie" at "Valued Services". Collection Agency

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