Caller Information 

8887785938 / 888-778-5938 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 888/778/5938 - 888.778.5938 - 8887785938 - 888 778 5938
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8887785938 User Reports

0 Votes
8th Jan, 2011 by Allen Devoll
Reported Number: 888-778-5938
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They did not call be I called them back they took out 24.95 out of my account and i have no idea what for. When I called them back they said it was for Fire alarm and smoke detector installation. they where very rude on the phone
0 Votes
30th Dec, 2010 by Kristin
Reported Number: 8887785938
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
find out what it is yet? i just noticed that i have the same ppl charging my acct for 29.99 AND 49.99!!! really!?
0 Votes
29th Nov, 2010 by Jane
Reported Number: 888-778-5938
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I also received a charge on my account that I know nothing about!!!It was for 24.99 and my bank is unable to see who it is!
0 Votes
3rd Nov, 2010 by sypjeff35
Reported Number: 8887785938
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I was not called I was actually charged 29.99 for somthing I know nothing about it has overdrawn my account and I am very upset. Someone needs to call my ASAP -- 912-323-1618 to get this rectified as to what this is --- I do not want whatever it is and I need to have it removed from my account -- NOW

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