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8888080001 / 888-808-0001 Reverse Phone Lookup

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According to 1 people
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Number Variations: 888/808/0001 - 888.808.0001 - 8888080001 - 888 808 0001
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8888080001 User Reports

- 1 Votes
4th Jan, 2010 by cafesuper
Reported Number: 888-808-0001
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They called my husband and told him he had been a good customer for "The National Enquirer", and they wanted him back. For $177.84 he would get the magazine for 3 years. He should also save his gas receipts because he could recieve $300.00 in gas rebates.
+ 1 Votes
20th Nov, 2009 by Jerry
Reported Number: 8888080001
Caller type: Telemarketer
Phone owner: Unknown
They called and told me my subscription to "Discover" magazine had expired. They said that I was a special customer and offered me free gifts if I buy a three year subscription. I deal was good only today, so I gave them my Credit card info. At the end of the conversation they told me they were an outfit called Buisness Subscriber. They gave me a name and phone number to call in case I have any questions. I called Discover Magazine to conffirm my purchase and they told me that i was scammed They had no affliation with that telemarketer. So beware. The telemarketer is in Scottsdaie, AZ. Home of many telemarketer

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