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8888808518 / 888-880-8518 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 888/880/8518 - 888.880.8518 - 8888808518 - 888 880 8518
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8888808518 User Reports

- 1 Votes
15th Mar, 2011 by deb
Reported Number: 888-880-8518
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I just got a call from a man wanting to "confirm my listing" in the internet yellow pages. I asked how he got my number and he gave me some cockamamie response, including that I'd get a complementary listing because I'm a small business. No way--this has got to be a scam. I asked him to give me the information he had already on me so I could confirm . . . he hung up. I called the number on my caller ID and it picks up but no one answers. I could hear people talking in the background (not English)--I guess other scammer-reps trying to dupe people who don't know the score. What can be done about these vultures? Thank you.

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