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9739372288 / 973-937-2288 Reverse Phone Lookup

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Number Variations: 973/937/2288 - 973.937.2288 - 9739372288 - 973 937 2288
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9739372288 User Reports

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18th Nov, 2010 by 1badspook
Reported Number: 973-937-2288
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
They randomly called the wrong person one time too many in egregious violation of Federal and State statutes. I reached out to my contacts at the proper Federal agencies and they are poised for a joint Federal, State and local law enforcement task force raid and will arrest everyone answering the phone on behalf of these identity theft fraudsters. This will be widely covered by the national and local media and every participating fraudster's name will be published. You can then give them a call while they are incarcerated and ask if them if they want to lower their interest rate. This will be a lesson to all telephone fraudsters, knock, knock we're at your door.

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