Area Code 661-240 (6 total results)
5091 days ago by Lily
Calls and says that I owe for a payday loan that I never got, leaves crazy messages at my job. Cannot tell me when I supposedly got the loan, who...
5073 days ago by PO
Keeps telling me I owe money but wont tell me to whom i owe the money or any other imfo. I have called the fcc and filed a complaint and the...
5080 days ago by crash
I was told that I needed to return this call ASAP. That if they did not hear from me or my attorney that all that they could say was I wish you...
5095 days ago by kim
They finally quit calling after i threatened them with calling the law on them
5090 days ago by Miss Jade
It's been happening to me for a year now and it hasn't worked so I don't know why they keep trying. A Local Detective already told...
5101 days ago by Michelle Jones
Couldn't hear first caller ssked for return number. Call back and spoke with Ryen Cruz (he spelled it that way)who claimed to be head of...