Caller Information 

6044511414 / 604-451-1414 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Prank Caller
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 604/451/1414 - 604.451.1414 - 6044511414 - 604 451 1414
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6044511414 User Reports

0 Votes
7th Jan, 2011 by Chris
Reported Number: 604-451-1414
Caller type: Prank Caller
Phone owner: Unknown
I received several calls from this number today (January 7, 2011). A woman on the line asked if she had reached the house of someone named Denise. I told her she had the wrong number and hung up. This woman called THREE times afterwards. On the last, my female roommate picked up and told her (with profanity) to stop calling and told her she must be pretty stupid to keep calling the wrong number so many times!

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