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7243743614 / 724-374-3614 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Dept Collector
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 724/374/3614 - 724.374.3614 - 7243743614 - 724 374 3614
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7243743614 User Reports

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9th Feb, 2011 by sonia
Reported Number: 724-374-3614
Caller type: Dept Collector
Phone owner: Unknown
a man with an extrange accent named Justin Taylor. called me last friday at my office saying that i have a debt to a Loan company named Easy cash for a loan that i received last oct. 2010 for us$300.00 and i did not paid he said that everything is going to a trial that afternoon and everything was against me. also ask me if i have a lawyer ,i said i wasn't aware of that. he said a lot of more things that i dont remenber or understand , also gave me phone number that i have to call. I called back and justin was not there and talked to Jenny Smith and requested her documents to prove that because i was not aware, never received notifications, email, mails o nothing about that. they have my office address, home address she said that theres no time to loose because the police will arrive to my home to arrest me. i was skecptical, and thought was a scam, because i dont have anything of what they were saying and forget about them, but last tuesday at 4:30pm someone call me at my cell with much more aptitud from the same office in this time they change the amount of money to 600.00 and the deposit day was september not octuber. , also staying that i will be in jail for 6 months , do you want to be in jail for 6 months? he asked me. i requested him the last 4 numbers of the account they said the deposit was made, and were not mine,. and he said, ok the account is not yours, someone stole your id, but you have to pay anyway because is your information . i said.. i can prove it that this is not mine. he started with more aptitud and said that i have to pay 1000.00 in order to solve this matter and they will send me a document with the release and my name will not be with problem and the police will not longer bother me or be in jail for this weekend and next 6 months. and the end i just say, " you know? you do whatever you want. i will do what i have to do. and hang up. did not called me back yet , today i start to trace this phone number i found out about this, there's shoud be a way to put this persons in jail. i dont know what to do or where to go now because they have my house and office address and i dont know them. they can do whatever they want . Caller: easy cash

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