Caller Information 

7249900656 / 724-990-0656 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
Brian Tomas?
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 724/990/0656 - 724.990.0656 - 7249900656 - 724 990 0656
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7249900656 User Reports

0 Votes
27th Nov, 2010 by Kim
Reported Number: 724-990-0656
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Brian Tomas?
Reporting this jackass to the FBI for Investigation he is trying to say I owe money but won't say what for left a threatening message and when I checked into his number it does not even come from the US. I owe no money and watch my finances closely.
+ 1 Votes
27th Nov, 2010 by LG
Reported Number: 7249900656
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
Threatening to sue me for a debt I did not make. Saying federal lawsuit in process
+ 1 Votes
18th Nov, 2010 by Sarah
Reported Number: 724-990-0656
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
I keep getting a call on my cell phone and place of business saying i have a pending lawsuit.
+ 2 Votes
17th Nov, 2010 by tammy
Reported Number: 7249900656
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: Unknown
keeps calling my cell phone which is not listed several times and calling my place of business several times a day, will not tell me nature of call but that i have a pending lawsuite for the amount of 5000.00.

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