Caller Information 

8025484392 / 802-548-4392 Reverse Phone Lookup

Phone Owner
Caller Type
US Cellular
According to 1 people
Area Code
Number Variations: 802/548/4392 - 802.548.4392 - 8025484392 - 802 548 4392
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8025484392 User Reports

0 Votes
9th Mar, 2011 by Telecom
Reported Number: 802-548-4392
Caller type: Unknown
Phone owner: US Cellular
The 802-548 exchange is a "Pooled" exchange in Vermont. US Cellular originally owned the entire 10,000 numbers, but due to "code exhaust" had to "Pool" the exchange. Level 3 Communications now owns the 802-548-4xxx block of numbers. This shows up on Caller ID as "US Cellular" because the terminating carrier is using old data in their LIDB database lookup, and only referencing the "A Code" owner (the original owner of record), which was US Cellular. This call is NOT from US Cellular, nor does the user have any affiliation with them.

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