Area Code 199 (6 total results)
5430 days ago by Tim
At 12:40 am I recieved a call with no responce (hang up?). The duration was 5 seconds , I am trying to locate information on the caller.
5809 days ago by Mandy
I was just left a voice mail on my phone that said "Hey Mandy, it's me. I was just calling to see if you'd pick up. I guess I'...
5558 days ago by Rachel
Call was received on my corporate cell phone at 10:54AM EST on January 5, 2010. I did not answer the call and no voicemail, not surprising.
5812 days ago by cath
Caller was trying to get a hold of his dad.
5853 days ago by Shey
incoming call for 26 minutes. I need to know where it was from
5677 days ago by Christy
When i picked up, someone asked for me clearly disguising their voice. And when i continuously questioned who it was no one answered.