Area Code 817-524 (6 total results)
5769 days ago by Michelle
They broke the law. I returned a call and they didnt ask who I was. They gave the MRD-which is required on all calls when you speak to a live...
5769 days ago by Michelle
They broke the law. I reported an FDCPA violation that originated from 817-524-0281 and this is the number she called back on. She told me it is...
5106 days ago by A. T.
The caller asked questions that would violate the terms of privacy under Third Party Disclosure. The caller did not identify themselves, and...
5651 days ago by Don Morrison
Calls to my Cell phone. No one answers. Robocalls
5105 days ago by victor
i received a call and when i tried to find out who called it sound it like the phone was picked up and hanged up right away
5441 days ago by Bob
It's look like an ameri credit company